Friday, April 29

Poor old Ernold Same

The early journey is proving too smooth to provide daily opportunities for why-oh-why posts. Dulchester will henceforth be presented as a weekly report.

Friday, April 22

AM: A1(2,-2). 1 + 1 cycles. 36 minutes.
PM: A1(0,0). 40# minutes (estimate, walked from Tedium Road again)

Thursday, April 21

AM: A1(0,-2). 1 + 1 cycles. 35 minutes.
PM: A1(0,0). 39# minutes (estimate - lovely weather, so got off in Tedium Road).

Wednesday, April 20

AM: A1(1,-2). 36 minutes.
PM: A2(3,-4). 34 minutes.

Tuesday, April 19

AM: A1(0,0), 1 + 1 cycles. 37 minutes.
PM: A1(-1,-5). 33 minutes!

Monday, April 18

AM: A2(1,-2), 1 + 1 cycles. 34 minutes - in heavy rain too. We'll see if this lasts when the schools go back.
PM: A1(-1,0), 40# minutes (estimate - got off in Tedium Road).

Friday, April 15

AM: A1(-2,-4), 1 + 1 cycles. 34 minutes.
PM: C3(5,6), 46 minutes.

Thursday, April 14

AM: A1(0), 0 + 0 cycles. 34 minutes. Excellent time (and only 2 minutes early at destination).
PM: B3(-2,-3), 36 minutes.

Wednesday, April 13

AM: B1(0), 0 + 1 cycles. 37 minutes. Excellent timings from the early run so far. Yes, this is a school holiday week, but last week wasn't.
PM: B1(0), 35# minutes (estimate - got off at Norm Station).

Tuesday, April 12

AM: A1(0), 0 + 1 cycles. 37 minutes.
PM: B1(0), 37 minutes.

Monday, April 11

AM: A1(0), 1 + 1 cycles. 37 minutes.
PM: B3(-3,-4) 34 minutes. I can't condone this turning up early (however convenient it is for me personally).

Friday, April 8

AM: A1(0), 1 + 1 cycles. 38 minutes.
PM: B3(-4,-5) 32 minutes! Incredible record time achieved, as you can see, by turning up 4 minutes early.

Thursday, April 7

AM: A2(3), 0 + 0 cycles. 37 minutes.
PM: B3(7,9) 58 minutes.

Wednesday, April 6

AM: A3(6), 0 + 0 cycles. 41 minutes.
PM: C3(5), 48 minutes.

Tuesday, April 5

Ernold Same is on the other bus

Worn out by hours stuck on the Norm Station Roundabout, Ernold Same has arranged new working times and will now be describing journeys taking place half an hour earlier than previously.

AM: B1(0), 1 + 1 short. 39 minutes.
PM: C4(10), 72* minutes. Number 87 didn't turn up, gambled on catching a 16, which arrived on time, but was 10 minutes late at Norm Station, from where I walked.

Monday, April 4

AM: E1(0), 57 minutes. 6 + 3 90-second cycles. 'It really is absolutely appalling' HRH Prince Charles
PM: C3(-2), 38 minutes.

Friday, April 1

AM: C2(4), 44 minutes. 2 + 2 short cycles. Vicky Pollard and friend shrieking in the back seat.
PM: C2(3), 48 minutes. Terrible traffic in Queen Dull Street, OK elsewhere.