Monday, January 31

AM: D1, 49 minutes. 1 + 2 cycles. Three people talking very loudly in Turkish the whole way.
PM: D1, 54 minutes*. Caught late-running 16 as far as Norm Station, walked home from there. I noticed the 87 ahead of us at one point, so I'm giving a '1' for timeliness.

Friday, January 28

AM: B1, 46 minutes. 0 + 0 cycles. Impressive Norm Station performance; less impressive display of incompetent lorry manoeuvring in Hohum Road led to unexpectedly poor final time.
PM: Walked home from appointment in town.

Thursday, January 27

AM: D2, 58 minutes. 6 + 3 cycles.
PM: F3, 81 minutes. Appalling traffic. Got out at the 2600-yard point and walked home, alongside backed up traffic all the way, right up to Sector General. Ceefax said that an accident on the bypass had led to traffic coming through the town. Second worst journey ever - 3 minutes slower than walking all the way would have been - but I find Last Buses not guilty in this instance.

Wednesday, January 26

AM: B1, 46 minutes. 1+ 2 cycles.
PM: B5. Stopped off for appointment in town, walked home from there.

Tuesday, January 25

AM: D1, 50 minutes. 6 + 2 cycles - oddly the first set were the short length, the second the long length.
PM: B3, 49 minutes.

Monday, January 24

AM: C3, 52 minutes. 1+1 cycles. Snow shower at 7.45am: I expected this to throw Dulchester's roads into chaos, but there have been much worse journeys than this.
PM: B1, 40 minutes. Nothing to see here.

Friday, January 21

AM: B3, 41 minutes. 1 + 1 cycles. Came a couple of minutes early.
PM: B4, 69* minutes. No. 47 came first, got on that only to see 87 coming along in the distance. Could have got on that at the bus station but decided to get some exercise and walk home.

Thursday, January 20

AM: C1, 53 minutes. 2 + 2 cycles. Rush-hour parking in Grindstedium Road still not helping.
PM: B1, 37 minutes. Just as timetabled. Exemplary.

Wednesday, January 19

AM: B1, 41 minutes. 1+1 cycles.
PM: Walked home from the doctor's.

Tuesday, January 18

AM: D1, 52 minutes. 3 + 3 cycles.
PM: C1, 43 minutes. Pretty good for a rainy evening.

Monday, January 17

AM: D2, 52 minutes. 3 + 1 cycles of lights.
PM: D1, 52 minutes. Heavy rain didn't help matters.

Friday, January 14

AM: B1, 41 minutes.
PM: Walked home from dentist. No data. And ow.

Thursday, January 13

AM: C1, 48 minutes. 5 cycles of lights to make our first circuit of Norm Station roundabout, 3 cycles to make the second. Back to the short frequency now though.
PM: B1, 37 minutes. All together now in the best American accent you can manage: Hail to the bus driver, bus driver, bus driver...

Wednesday, January 12

AM: Walked into town to see optician. No data.
PM: B6, 42 minutes. Driver drove straight past the stop where I wanted to get off. He went right on to Sector General and I had to walk back from there.
Regular visitors to Dulchester will know that I cut the drivers a lot of slack, but this behaviour gets an automatic 6 now and in future!

Tuesday, January 11

AM: E1, 61 minutes. Appalling traffic tailing back from Norm Station into Tedium Road, and then 5 cycles of lights to get round the roundabout. The cycle length seems to have been adjusted back to the long duration.

PM: B3, 49 minutes.

Monday, January 10

AM: D4, 49 minutes. Bus arrived late, and we missed out Norm Station, but we made up time well after that.

PM: B1, 40 minutes. If we hadn't got stuck behind a sludge-gulper at the 400-yard point I think we'd've made a record run.

Friday, January 7

AM: D4, 64* minutes. 87 didn't seem to be coming, so started walking down to Norm Station, only to have the bus go past me. Doh! Caught the next 87 from the station.

PM: C4, 62* minutes. No 87 at the appointed time, but a 16 came along on time. Took it to Norm Station.

Thursday, January 6

AM: Walked again, to see dentist again.
PM: A1, 38 minutes.

Wednesday, January 5

AM: Walked into Dulchester to see dentist.
PM: A1, 38 minutes. The Incredible Journey.

Tuesday, January 4

AM: A1, 40 minutes. Good start to the year.
PM: C1, 55 minutes.