Friday, October 15

Dulchester Bus Journey Ratings

Type 1 = Excellent - Departs and arrives exactly on time, smooth ride, friendly driver, skilful driving, patience with passengers.
Type 2 = Good - Departs on time to within a minute or so.
Type 3 = Acceptable - Departs 5 minutes late, taciturn driver.
Type 4 = Bad - Departs 10 minutes late, jerky ride, hostile driver.
Type 5 = Terrible - Departs 15 minutes late, an abysmal experience altogether.
Type 6 = Transport failure - bus doesn't turn up at all, bus comes too early, bus doesn't stop to let people on, bus stops short of its proper destination, driver refuses ticket.

A Type 6 journey usually results in walking instead, but is so rated even if the passenger is able to complete their journey on a later bus.